Tuesday, July 22, 2008

No name(there seriously is no name),Sofiya Semenova

Well,I had this awesome short story written before about the meaning of humanity and how we make so many mistakes that we could avoid.HOWEVER,it seems to have miraculously dissapeared.Leave it up to nature ruin one of your best works but save your worst.
But,anyways,I'm just gonna post something that I had written today.

Incased in glass,sparkling gold
are tumbling memories,young and old.
Glistening pearls fall from the clouds
tipping tapping as they hit the ground.
If all is broken,if all is gone,
the pyramids stand against the sun.
Catching rays and crashing down,
is a sea of sand in which you'd drown.
all vanish slowly along the way.
Time is ticking,time is stopping.
Rock hard pearls are slowly dropping.
Within this earth that betrays us,
pyramids stand against the chaos.
In never-ending time that binds us,
the pyramids are there,they will hide us.


Cat Lady said...

Yeah that is a REAL GOOD POEM.
I feel sorry for you. My old computer broke when I was ten, and so I lost all of my work I had written up to then. I had this really good one going on the secret live of a she-werewolf.

Sofiya said...

Really?That sucks.I bet it was good though.Cause,like,you're a good writer.(no sarcasm)

Poz said...

Hey hey Sofiya, LOVE this poem, even though I just heard it the other day....It just doesn't get old. Awesome use of symbolism!!!!!

Sofiya said...

I love you guys.Like,if I talk to other people about writing they'd be like,"What's symbolism?"
Actually,I'm not even shure what my symbolism was intended to be.But,if it's somehow wedged in there and makes it better,then I won't argue with you.

Poz said...

ha nicee.