Thursday, July 26, 2007

Morning Reading - Meredith Jones

This morning Meredith read from her piece of historical fiction about Leo Frank.

Here were the prompts.

What to you think is the worst circumstance of injustice? Create a story or poem around or answer with a brief explanation.

Write from the point of view of someone who has been cheated. How does your protagonist handle it? Does he/she panic?

Create a character who has experienced injustice. How does he/she react to his situation?

Create a character who has been thrown into an unlikely and sudden event.

Have you ever just felt like "life ain't fair?" Tell about it.

Or just forget my prompts and write what was inspiring.

(Zoiks...just went through and edited. Fast typing = many errors.)


Meredith said...

Oh my, look at that picture of me. Oy gevalt.



Anonymous said...

I liked th reading you did. It really got me thinking and it really insirped me to write a lot about segreation. Brava!! :)

Meredith said...

Thanks again, anon! Early America and 19th & 20th Century history is my thing.