Wednesday, July 25, 2007


I ran out of ideas for writing! Please help!


Joel said...

I know this is more difficult than it sounds, but write what you know. If you want to go memoir, try this on for size. Pick a location, like your backyard or the fields at the end of your street. Jot down as many incidents and ideas about that place as you can. Pick one and free write about it. Jot down as many details and images and descriptions as you can.

Finally, see if you can flesh it out into a full piece.

Lastly, here's a site with prompts that might help you.

Hannah said...

What helps me when I run out of writing ideas is actually to watch movies. I am into scifi and fantasy, so I like watching Spiderman or Lord of the Rings. Then I think, "If there was a world like that..." and try to imagine all the sort of things that could happen. And sometimes it turns into a book.
So if you like a specific genre, you might try watching that sort of movie. Thinking about what would happen in that sort of world could also help you think of other worlds or adventures or things that could happen, characters, etc. Unless you like poetry. I don't know how to help with that, sorry.

Anonymous said...

I definatly watch movies to get inspiration, but be careful not to steal the plot from the movie your watching...i did that wonder my story wus so good...
For poetry...hmm...idk...just don't let the rhyme define the meaning. The meaning should be enhanced by the rhyme