Tuesday, July 24, 2007

A Few Notes from Today

Check Your Email! Each of you have been invited to join this blog. This will give you the ability to post stories, poems, pictures, etc. The purpose and format is posted in the sidebar. Feel free to read and comment on the work of others as these pieces are posted.

Remember, find the positives, and be constructive in your criticism. No flaming.

If you do not find an invitation in your mailbox, this means that some combination of funky handwriting and complex email addy construction has caused an error(This means you KurtVonnegutLuva99_ohboy!@msn.com). See me tomorrow so that I may remedy the situation.

Morning Readings! Slots are up for grabs. You are to try to find a reading that will elicit writing from your peers. This reading can be thought provoking, humorous, sad, whatever. Just make sure it's meaty and that you have some writing directions or a prompt in mind. Meredith has been brave enough to grab the chalk first, and has signed up for Thursday.

1 comment:

Rachelle said...

I dont know much about open mic. but i would be interested in it. Matt told us about it but im not sure what it is.