Rachelle...Frederick Douglass said that there can be no progress without struggle. Often heroes must be completely broken down in order to emerge anew. Sort of Harry Potter Phoenix stuff.
Email works from the anthology to: mrmalley04@yahoo.com
Hey folks. This is homebase. Feel free to post pictures from camp, scraps of stories, poems, artwork, bits o' memoir, or anything camp related.
Keep it appropriate.
Posting Format
If you post a picture, story, poem, etc. Please follow the following format:
In the title portion of the post, put the following:
Title, Your Name
Then post your work in the text box. If you have any further instructions, post them after the work. Maybe you want readers to focus on a certain area, maybe you just want to know what works.
Rachelle...Frederick Douglass said that there can be no progress without struggle. Often heroes must be completely broken down in order to emerge anew. Sort of Harry Potter Phoenix stuff.
Oh yeah...sounds like the basic elements of a story. What do ya say? Maybe flesh it out.
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