Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Who are we.?!?!

Who are we.?
Who are we to judge other people.?
Who are we to that isn't right.?
Who are we to say to people you are a dork.?
Why do we say those hurtful things.?
Is it the way we were raised.?
Who are we.?
I would like to you to comment me say what you think.
Speak your mind.!


Jen A. said...

Amen to that! The thing is, we have no right to say those hurtful things. We only say them to make ourselves feel better.

Joel said...

Vikki, good questions. Often people judge and criticize to prop up their own self worth. It's a weird thing. It's like the opposite of the gold rule (Do unto others...). It's like, hmmm...if I make this person feel worthless, I'll feel better.

Anonymous said...

subconiously i think we all say hurtful things to make us feel better, but when something hurtful slips you're not really thinking about what your actully doing, or why you're doing it. Does that make sense? or am I just really crazy