Thursday, August 2, 2007

guess what?

I have my own blog thing now. It's or something like that. Right now it's just a couple poems. You're all welcome to check it out. :) Oh, yes...make sure it's really my blog. I accidentally went to some other Hannah's blog. I was really confused for a sec. But my blog has only 2 poems and the background's yellowish green or something and yeah...more on this later.


Joel said...

Hannah...that's awesome. Hey, I loved your poem today. It was so gutsy, for lack of a stronger word.

I just posted this same advice for Jacki, but make sure that you are careful what you put up there, as there are a lot of crazies out there. I know I'm being a bit cheesy, but you might want to read this article as you consider the shape your blog will take.

Joel said...

By the way, love the color. Very simple, yet visually pleasing. If you ever want to add a picture to the header, it's very simple. Just go to "Template," then "Page Elements" and click on the Edit button next to your title. It's fun to mess around with.

Hannah said...

Okay, I will try to be careful what I write. Only, what exactly do you mean? Like, don't put stuff like 'I have 5 brothers and their names are....?' Or like don't put stuff that would make weird people want to stalk me?
Thank you for saying you liked the poem I read. It was gutsy. I was terrified. But I read it anyway, 'cause I knew you were (and hopefully still are :)) nice people. And I just kind of wanted people to know what it was like being me. Since I seem to stink at real conversation, I put down how I think and feel as poems and it comes out better. Wow this is a sort of long comment. Oh well.

Joel said...

I kind of figured that was so. Then, I will go a little bit beyond gutsy. That was very brave of you to read that poem. When I looked across you and I saw the faces of the other writing mentors, I knew they felt the same way. It was very touching, and the fact that Franklin went out of his way to mention publishing opportunities shows that I was not the only one that felt that way.

Let's face it Hannah, there are a lot of sucky people out there. Furthermore, it seems like most of these sucky people are in high school. I like to think of high school as one of those concentrated cans of orange juice you find in your grocer's freezer. Everything is so concentrated. The majority of your life is there in that one tiny confined space. It can be stifling.

That being said, think of graduation as someone pouring a gallon of water into that concentrated orange juice. Life gets diluted, and nothing seems as high stakes as it did before.

One thing I love about these camps is the authenticity of [most] of the students. It's like before they report they sign some secret form that says, "you know what, I write, I like it, here's who I am, and I don't really give four craps what anyone else thinks."

Anyhoo...I posted the warning about watching what you say is not related to anything you have on your site. It seems of couple of you folks are carving out writing space, and I just want you to think about some things before, and while, you do.

Anyway...I'll see you tomorrow at the reception.

Meredith said...

Hannah, I can tell high school is not your favorite place. I can completely sympathize with you there. I am probably one of the least popular kids at mine. I go, I talk to a couple people who feel like listening or Amber or something, & go home & get lost in music & in my writing. I used to really worry about being popular and having a lot of friends, but I realized at such a place where everyone is just tossed together & have only a chance of getting along, it's difficult & sometimes impossible, & some people just don't fit with that crowd. I, personally, am so mentally ready to get out, but I know I'm not ready for college yet, so just have to tough it out until I am, & at least try to have a little fun. I like to say I have completely replaced some people with my interests & passions. I have a couple best friends who I've never met before, but who love & respect me, & my cousin & my supportive dad, this workshop in the summer, some people in a touring choir I'm in, some adults my mom knows, & that's enough. I don't need school to socialize. I think that's a hard thing for teens to accept because everyone expects you to do that. And of course you feel wrong watching people with their friends in school & goofing off when youre sitting there alone. But you don't need them - just think of getting home and losing all of those feelings.

I think...I don't know..there arent many people you could ask for confirmation... But I think I open up at this workshop. This was my third summer, and every summer I get a little braver and a little more comfortable. Of course I am scared half to hell about what's going through peoples heads while I'm reading my stuff, but I do it, & I'm not afraid to talk to people because I know we all, or most of us, are in the same general positions. Maybe that's what's comforting.

Hope that helped a little. I'm rooting for you, Hannah. :) Good luck next year.


Hannah said...

Thanks for rooting for me Meredith. But I just recalled that I won't be coming next year. Cause next year (or this year) I will be looking at colleges. I will be too old to go a second time.
But we can still keep in touch 'cause I got your email and of course you can visit my blog. :)

Joel said...

Yeah, this is like the Chronicles of Narnia. Once you get past a certain age, we won't let you back, lol.

Actually, this is quite untrue. We do accept students who are entering their freshmen year of college, and we have, in the past, accepted college students as helpers/volunteers, etc.

Hannah said...