Monday, November 3, 2008

Oh. Em. Gee.

Who else is already tired of school??????? ME!!!!!!!! I mean, I love my friends and stuff, but this whole learning part has GOT to go.


Adam said...

Oh My God FINALLY!!!!! Someone who agree's with me! Don't get me wrong either I love school. I like the atmosphere, my classes, and my friends but getting up at 6:30 everyday of the week is killin me. On top of all the homework and 3 hour swim practice after school I am beat everyday! I know school is important for our future's but we could at least use a day off more than like once a month!

Cat Lady said...

UGH i know- my teachers have NO understanding- I already have to practice violin for two hours, and I have to drive an hour to orchestra practice AND lessons every monday, I have piano lessons thursday, and I have Horseback sat. and... well, you know.
I like seeing all my friends though! Such a dim twinkle of motivation, yet still...! Sorry, I need to go scream at my pillow. YOu should try it sarah- nice stress release. Yeah, I am weird. I get that everyday.