Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Putting a hand through the scanner...

I put my hand through the scanner and edited it on photoshop...any writing ideas?


Adam said...

Holy Crap that is insanely crazy!!!! Kinda creepy but really cool looking!!!! Congrats on finding something cool to do with a scanner other than uploading images.

Wacky Jacky said...

That picture was kinda creepy and cool in a way. Though, I can't come up with any writing ideas. Sorry.

Cat Lady said...

I like messing with photoshop. It is fun. I bloodied up my face on it. I would put it on here but someone would arrest me and take me to a mental institution or something.

Poz said...

Awesome pic!!!! It totally seems like a cover for some messed up horror story (my specialty), and so I'll try and write something about it. Again, AMAZING picture!!! So cool and bizarre and disturbing all at once...

Kelsey said...

yay! people got inspired by this about a year after I put this up!