Friday, October 12, 2007


Hey, what's up everyone! I just wanted to know how everyone's school year is going. If you like reading, there is a website I have started to use in my English class called Shelfari. It is a place where you can post up books that you have read and chat with others about books. Well, I hope everone has a great school year and hopefully see many of you next summer @ the writing camp. ~Jacki F.~ :) :)


Adam said...

School is going good...Honors Global is the hardest class that I will ever have to take I think...Can't wait 'til camp;)....

Wacky Jacky said...

Yeah, once global is done, the social studies classes get easier.

Hannah said...

Well...I applied to a college and got accepted YES! School is going alright...I can't say that I like Economics, though.

Joel said...

Hannah! That's great! Where to?

Kelsey said...

I'm taking an awesome art class and I am discovering the wonders of painting! I always used to prefer drawing, but now, they're about equal. Congrats, Hannah! I don't have to worry about college quite yet because I still have two more years...

Wacky Jacky said...

That's awesome! Which school(s) did you get accepted to?? Also, what do you think you major is going to be?

Hannah said...

Oh wow ... I actually thought I 'lost' my other blog, so I created a new one, and in the process lost the link to this one. :/
I had no idea any of you guys replied! Jeepers! Sorry I'm a year late ... oi.

I went to a small Bible college in Western NY and took their one year program. A semester of English class with a professor who now has his Doctorate or something; and all the rest were like theology classes and such. Now, I just have to find a job somewhere and pay off my loan. Oh, the joy ...

Kelsey--that's great! ^^

Here's the link to my new blog, if we can post links ...
it's mostly daily life stuff, some of it is interesting, I guess ... I also have a book blog but I rarely post in that.
I really hope you guys see this, or get an update of it or something. I mean, it's been a year. But maybe you still follow this blog, so you'll see my comment?